You're looking at your birth chart and you see this little symbol that looks like an upside down horseshoe or the head of a snake - that's your North Node!
In this workshop, we'll discover what the North Node - and its opposite point the South Node - really are, what they represent in astrology, and what they mean in your birth chart. We'll learn about our karmic paths and how the nodes present them to us; how they inform our personalities, our work, and our life's purpose; and just how important these often overlooked pieces of our charts are in helping us understand why we're here as humans on planet Earth!
You'll get the most out of this workshop if you have a copy of your birth chart. You can generate one for free online at using your birth date, time, and location. If you do not know your exact birth time, estimate the best you can or use 12:00pm for an estimated chart.
Self-discovery Investment: $20
Sign up HERE!