OUTDOOR Kids Yoga 4 Week Series with Ella (ages 3-5)
Drop-in option now available!
Calling all little yogis 3-5 years old! :)
In this series we will explore breathing and yoga postures through creative storytelling, playful exercises, and child-oriented meditations.
In each 45 minute class we will build a safe environment that encourages your little yogi to experience the joy of a balanced body and mind. We'll practice making playful yoga shapes and learn how to use breathing and relaxation techniques to release our energy to feel happy and healthy.
Parents, feel free to practice along with your kiddos!
Please meet Ella in The Secret Garden in Fishtown at 1503 North Phillips Street, 19122; masks are optional.
In case of bad weather, this class will either be rescheduled or you’ll receive a credit for another MWJ class.
$60 for the series // $15 to Drop-in
Space is very limited!
Sign up HERE for the series or Drop-in for $15!