The moon is an archetype of the divine feminine, the subconscious, intuition, emotions, and water energy. We are water beings on the planet of water, and the moon has a huge impact on our emotions, energy, and overall life.
In this educational class with Eryn Johnson, you’ll learn how to work with a complete lunar cycle (not just the new and full moon!) for self-care, healing, and manifestation.
Each part of the cycle has a specific invitation for us to take care of ourselves better, to heal wounds and patterns, and to create the lives we desire. When we align ourselves with the cycles of nature and the cycles of the moon, so much magic can happen. We start going with our natural flow rather than fighting it, for more ease, more joy, and deeper access to ourselves.
You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of how to work with the moon in your life and a workbook to take home to support your practice.
Self-care Investment: $35
Sign up HERE!