Jump Start January with Vimukti Aslan!
Every WEDNESDAY, 7-8 AM // January 8th – February 12th
Jump Start January is a 6-week program designed to help develop healthy habits to bring vitality to body, mind and spirit!
Studies have proven that a regular practice of yoga forms, breath awareness, deep relaxation and meditation decrease stress and cholesterol levels, build stamina and immunity, increase joy and a sense of well being!
As part of a community you will also be introduced to eating for the winter season, balancing social events with self-care, and simple tools to keep your peace and your health in 2020.
Practice like the ancient yogis to
breathe consciously
meditate consistently
practice yoga skillfully
relax completely
eat mindfully
increase service in your life
devotion to your deity
connection to others
Special Package Deal! Only $90 dollars for the series! $17 for drop-ins.
Sign up HERE for the entire 6-week series!
Sign up HERE for single drop-in classes.