You are invited for an afternoon immersed in the natural beauty that surrounds our beloved city. This is a guided walk in Carpenter Woods where you will learn a nature based meditation technique that will open you up to the song of the wild, followed by a guided wander, and an introduction to a 'sit spot' to go further inwards and learn the language of nature. You will be able to take what you learn and apply it anywhere, in any landscape. Nature is always present.
Your Guide: Meghan Aya Letts is a Colorado transplant living in the urban wild of Philadelphia. Her mission is bring nature awareness and accessibility to all, no matter where one lives. The lineage of Native American elder, Grandfather Stalking Wolf, was passed down to her through the Earth Based Institute, an intensely transformational 2+ year school devoted to therapeutic nature connection for PTSD, trauma, grief/loss, spiritual transformation, Gestalt therapy, neural pathways, parts work, & somatic psychotherapy, within a wilderness setting co-facilitated by nature. She also holds a Master's Degree in Eastern Religious Studies from Naropa University, focusing on the wisdom goddesses of yoga &the holistic healing benefits of meditation.
$20 Self care investment. All proceeds go towards The Collective; our project to create a retreat location for healing outside the city.
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